Maxims for Design management


  • There needs to be an emotional component as well—a source of inspiration that motivates users has to be managed.
  • Apply design is applicable in operational, management and strategic level.
  • Inspiration lies in a sense of purpose driven from the top down.
  • Encourage People centric workplaces, which is toward networks of value that weave through workspaces. Design flexible equitable, simple, equitable, and agile, ethical, and sustainable work experiences for their workers, regardless of their relationships to the organization, where they  live, or, what tools they choose to employ to accomplish and exceed their commitments.
  • Organizations will rely primarily on three elements to shape experiences, technology, space, policy, and practice. How the elements are ptimized, and how they are used together, define how the work experience will be realized. Design should focus on degrees of freedom rather than constraints. Turn constraints into opportunities.
  • Future is connected to World Wide Web and innovative work streams – Information specialists, web-user-experience specialists. Models for employee engagement and development will also change, as cross-functional and cross-organizational use of social media and enterprise
    collaboration requires individuals to  to hone new communication skills and adopt new, more collaborative models of work.
  • Organizations are likely to shift the responsibility of leveraging technology from central IT organization to individual business units responsible for growth, innovation
  • World’s top brands are  leaders of design  management
  • Visual literacy is the term for the design skills and is essential for managers.
  • Learning intensively about the needs for the BOP (bottom of the pyramid)
  • In the rapidly changing digital world, the collective is the focus group.
  • Design of social networks to create the new fabric of relationships that support the long-term goals of individuals
  • Today’s workers come from four generations, but three are predominant, The Baby Boomers, Generation X, and the Millennial
  • Missions, visions, and goals create context for design choices.
  • Technology, space, and practice are the design elements that create transparency, support sustainability, encourage pluralism, and guide ethical behavior. They are also elements that can enable simplicity, equitability, and agility. Organizations should create experiences that recognize and take advantage of the synergies among these design elements in order to facilitate strong performance.